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Everything posted by TitsMcGee

  1. download this http://www.dopdf.com/ it's free and it works, I use it all the time
  2. He also lost a leg. Those over privileged brats need to be forced to volunteer at Walter Reed to see just what our Armed Forces go through when they come home. And then they need to be slapped for treating a Vet the way they did.
  3. Sadly this story shows you're right. http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/manhattan/hero_unwelcome_Zi3u1fwtRpo87vXAiAQfSN
  4. I feel like shit..it's either withdrawal symptoms from the meds my shrink just took me off of, or I'm coming down with something.
  5. ...Unless they happen to live at the "Villages" in Florida...then they have a high rate of STDs
  6. This kinda makes me glad, I could never get through the book.
  7. I don't see any other of our "wonderful" state elected officials taking a pay cut.
  8. *sighs* I'm tired of Charlie's brother's so called pep talks.
  9. Annoyed that I haven't heard from the doctor yet..
  10. You know I fully understand why they want Mubarak out, but seriously without having any opposition leaders in the country for 30 damn years who do they really think is going to take control now that he has left? It's going to be total fucking anarchy. Seriously they should have just dealt with him till September and gotten other political parties forward so someone else could be voted in. I know they are saying the military is going to be taking control, but I don't see that going very well...
  11. Usually they like to be called the sex they are emulating, so if it's a male to female you would call them miss/ma'am and if it's a female to male you would call them sir.
  12. The Hunger Games series is fucking awesome just to let everyone know. Seriously just look up a synopsis of it and you'll want to read it.
  13. I'm not, I thought you looked super pretty in your new pictures. I've just been very preoccupied today worrying about tonight's impending medical test.
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