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Everything posted by TitsMcGee

  1. I prefer the potato ones with the gravy..cheese is good too though.
  2. Printing off my paper for Personnel Managment and thinking about taking a shower
  3. Majik 8-ball will I get an A on the paper I'm writing?
  4. laughing at phee and the majik 8 ball
  5. Gretchen Wilson and Miranda Lambert are really good. I love me some Hank Jr. and Johnny Cash. All Jacked Up - Gretchen Wilson Gunpowder and Lead - Miranda Lambert
  6. I'm upset that I missed classes today. We're getting horribly high winds up here today, which managed to wake me up at 4am and I couldn't fall back to sleep. I missed a quiz in math this morning, but since I called he's letting me make it up in the morning which means I have to go in a bit early in the morning. Tomorrow is going to be a long day.
  7. I'm feeling happy. My face hurts from smiling.
  8. *Hugs to Meg* I'm feeling better now that I've heard from the place I got my corset. He apparently had a machine brake down on him, and he will be overnight shipping my corset to me tomorrow so it gets here in time. And he's not charging me for it.
  9. Still annoyed, the people from the corset place still haven't emailed me back. I am not happy.
  10. I'm really annoyed. The place I ordered my new corset from is dragging ass. I ordered it last month and finally emailed them last week asking how things were going since I told them I needed it by this Thursday. They emailed me back saying it would be shipped yesterday and that I would ge an email with my tracking number which I never got. So I just emailed them again to see if it was shipped like they said it would be. They are in Manistee so it should only take two days if that for it to get here. I'm just getting worried it won't make it in time.
  11. Awake, and ready to leave in about 20 minutes for math class.
  12. Dakota Fanning will apparently be playing Jane in New Moon.
  13. I'm cracking up at something a friend said to me.
  14. Last time I tried yoga I slipped and fell on my face...it hurt. I will try again though.
  15. Check out your county mental health services. They usually have a sliding scale based on your pay.
  16. God I wish it was close to spring here. We're getting another 5-8" tonight. I swear the snow won't be all melted till at least fucking June.
  17. tired and lonely. I'm also wondering if I'll be able to get out of the drive way in the morning due to the 8 inches of snow I'm supposed to be getting tonight, and that doesn't including the major drifting with the wind.
  18. ^ Gods damnit! Seriously there is already 7ft of snow up here slowly trying to melt..why won't it stop snowing on me.
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