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Everything posted by TitsMcGee

  1. I'd also pay off my parents house, and build my own house somewhere as well as pay off school loans/tuition to finish my degree then law school
  2. I'm bored, and hungry since we haven't had dinner yet.
  3. What she said. I'm not ready for algebra class yet.
  4. I have seen this show, it is quite amusing to say the least.
  5. yah really, my mom is half tempted to call her up. See she's going to school down at WMU in K-zoo, which is why it somehow fell to me to make sure her 22 year old son gets to schoo. They won't let the kid get his license or teach him how to drive.
  6. What pisses me off the most is that she's supposed to be my friend but she's giving me shit for doing her husband and son a favor
  7. Fucking annoyed. The mother of the person that rides with me to class is being a bitch and a half. I left early today because I only got 3 hours or so of sleep since I had to be up at 5:30 to pick up her son 30 miles out of my way. Well she texts me bitching that her husband had to drive all the way to town to get him after class and he didn't have any sleep since he went to pick someone up last night in Detroit. Wah neither did I. The kid is a week older than me but they won't allow him to get a license. Time to fucking cut the cord people.
  8. Uh last time I checked the pregnancy had to be passed 24 weeks for a second charge to be brought on. There has to be a chance the baby could survive out of the womb, and the majority of the time before 24 weeks thats not going to happen.
  9. I've been up since 5:30am, and now I'm at school. I'm tired already and am really going to need a nap when I get home.
  10. I don't think gas is grounds for divorce. I'm tired, time for bed.
  11. I seriously need to go to bed early tonight.
  12. tired, tonight is definatly an early to bed night since I have to wake up at like 5:45am
  13. Thinking about getting dressed since we have errands to run before picking up the kids from the other grandparents house.
  14. I'm alright just hungry, and ready to see my munchkins.
  15. Thanks for the interesting visual image. I will never look at sporks the same way again.
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