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Everything posted by TitsMcGee

  1. We're on a break because of the distance right now. We plan on getting back together once I'm able to get back down there to live.
  2. But it's the government telling me I can't play with the sharp dangerous objects!
  3. I'm not allowed to play with sharp and dangerous objects.
  4. I'm alright, just wishing I had the money for a new outfit for my birthday. I've found the most perfect outfit too
  5. she made you one already, check the first page
  6. The people who do the food at the CC I'm going to charges alot for salads and stuff, so I've gone through a $25 lunch card in a week. Freaking irritating.
  7. THinking about haveing something to eat, then clean a bit
  8. I slipped up tonight and had an extra helping of spagettii for dinner. But I did workout a bit today so thats something right?
  9. I love it! It matches my back pack
  10. If you have time I'd like one please. Just suprise me with it Thank you
  11. Oh I'm alright, just been going to school.

  12. Irritated with one of my friends, he's being such a dick. Also tired so I'm off to bed in a moment.
  13. I also have sociology and childrens lit to do, thats tomorrows job.
  14. Aw hell this just reminded me that I forgot to do my math homework.
  15. I haven't been since Christmas Eve, which was not that good since the preacher that we have come in decided to cut communion and whatnot from our service because the roads were bad and he needed to be on time for the service at his "home" church. My mom was pissed because it was the last service my brother was able to goto before his deployment to Iraq he's on right now.
  16. How is the ankle healing?

  17. And she would probably like it if you did something nice for her.
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