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Everything posted by TitsMcGee

  1. Me thinks I should invest in a exercise ball... I wonder when that check from the college is going to show up.
  2. I'm lonesome. School and home, thats my life these days.
  3. Hope you're feeling alright *hugs*

  4. Wishing I was closer to everyone so I could hang out this weekend
  5. I just know that it was -6 when I left for class this morning, and my hair froze.
  6. Watching History International and talking to GRG
  7. happy I don't have class tomorrow. Pissed off that the college let me register for a class I didn't have the prereq for. Happy that I'm getting about 400 bucks back from said college for dropping said class.
  8. Yah I'm just sore. Yoga is going to be a daily thing when I get home from class. What?! I'm a yoga virgin.
  9. I did 20 minutes of yoga and I think I'm doing it wrong because I hurt now.
  10. Nervous since today is the first day of class for me. I'm back at my old CC, so lets see how it goes.
  11. Like somehow I've managed to start carpooling with my friend Joe for classes...his first class is at 8am, and mine isn't for another hour And I have to get up at like 6:30 too :X
  12. Im bored and hungry..waiting for mommy to get home with food.
  13. I played flute for a while, then went drums for a year. Then I dropped band because I was dumb. I sing a bit these days, not as much as I used to, but I can hold a tune/
  14. Boo. Hope all is well deary.

  15. I can try to be scary once in a while ^_^

  16. Like I want a drink...but doc said I can't drink.
  17. Thats the only picture I could find of him. I prefer him in his classes with his fringe back so you can see his face. He's got a cute southern accent which is really what makes him attractive to me.
  18. Absolutely nothing, although I'm considering doing some homework. Other than that I'm bored as fuck.
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