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Everything posted by TitsMcGee

  1. Is a very sweet guy who should get the massage he wants
  2. Sulking because it feels like my plans for the whole weekend are falling apart.
  3. pick up some melatonin from the store. It's a natural substance your brain produces, and it helps you sleep. Im about to watch Beowolf since I just finished some homework. I also need to get my ass in gear on scarves and hats for the girls.
  4. Which I should add means if I stay till Monday I will most definatly stop at your place :)

  5. There is a chance I'm going to stay till Monday, because I want to make an apperence at Trixie's. But that all depends on the weather.

  6. I thought you were going to be in Yipsi this weekend?

  7. More homework. Im so happy the semester is almost done.
  8. I saw you peeking. Hiya :)

  9. how are you feeling oh broken one?

  10. This winter storm my area is stuck with right now is worrying me. It cannot, I repeat, CANNOT stop me from coming down to see everyone this weekend. Because if it does, I will be in the corner crying like a little girl.
  11. I think I just melted my brain doing the first part of my final project for my paralegal class. Drafting legal documents = headache.
  12. trying to do homework but the cat is harrassing me
  13. Aggrivated and frankly rather insulted that someone I've known for years would think so little of me.
  14. I'm feeling happy, and very very excited that I get to see everyone on saturday.
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