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Everything posted by TitsMcGee

  1. Procrastinating on doing homework, watching Without a Trace and thinking about having something to eat.
  2. lol Everybody loves my name :^)

  3. same old same old. Missing an old friend who doesn't speak to me anymore.
  4. I want the classes I need to take this semster to actually be offered either online or at the CC close to me.
  5. Oh you're not that bad, believe me I've dated guys who are 10x worse than you.
  6. I have been known to buy myself roses on V-day...
  7. Thanks hun. I feel your pain on cleaning though, I have a whole house to clean before thanksgiving as well as a room to finish painting.
  8. Sad and hurt. I don't understand how my ex can hate me so much that he text me of all people that he wants to kill himself.
  9. I'm fucking irritated. EMU is only offer two of the classes I need for my major online this semester, and the local CC's website is apparently having issues with webadvisor so I can't check what classes they are offering there. The only semi bright side is that I THINK I get pell this year, maybe. Stupid sister for messing up my plans. Can't afford to live in the dorms, cant afford to live on my own. I will get my degree though, and I will go to law school. I have to get out of this town one way or another.
  10. You look great in those Katy, that last one especially.
  11. So I heard you had quite the interesting night.

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