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Everything posted by TitsMcGee

  1. Why does you daughter have a lawyer?
  2. Well than I stand corrected, but still time travel sounds a bit far fetched to me. Especially since a cell phone wouldn't work in 1928. It could be just the run of the mill crazy person, or the hearing aid idea is plausible because some people like to hear themselves talk.
  3. It's a silent movie set..Lord knows how much talking actually happened while they were filming. She could have been talking to someone offset like the director.
  4. I have cats to give away if you need some.
  5. Let me rephrase, Was this a mainstream horror movie and popular with the masses?
  6. No my car is having major issues so it is out of commission right now, and he was asking for next week during the day when my mom is working and my brother is in school so I have to be home with dad.
  7. So a friend of mine messages me and asks me what I'm doing in a few days. I'm thinking he's asking me out for coffee or something...turns out he's just getting done working on Mackinaw Island for the season and needs someone to pick him up in Mackinaw City and drive him somewhere...
  8. I just want to point out my personal experience on this subject. When I was a teenager I was a bulimic, so my shrink put me on anti-psychotics that made me gain a HUGE amount of weight as in 80 pounds in 6 months. I'm still on anti-psychotics, which not only make you gain weight, but make it seriously hard to lose it also, as in nearly impossible. It's really frustrating when you eat healthy and you try to work out, and still you're looked at as a fat slob because the weight just doesn't come off because of your medication.
  9. I'm not even sure why I keep posting here. Not like anyone actually gives a fuck on how I feel, as it was pointed out everyone knows I have problems I'm not having much luck dealing with...yet not even one word of encouragement in months. I don't even know why I bother coming to this place anymore, seems rather pointless when I never fit in here in the first place. It's like I'm the loser that doesn't know when to go away...well I've learned now I guess. Fuck it, I've figured out when I'm not wanted around anymore just like always.
  10. Yes because I have no idea what it's like to be poor growing up the child of a sailor. Seriously before you make assumptions, remember where everyone lives. I really don't think any of you would survive up where I live where you have yo drive 30 miles to get to the nearest grocery store, where you have to can your own food, and freeze your own meat to survive the winter. Believe me I know what it's like to be poor, I also know what it's like to go without "rewards" because we couldn't afford them.
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