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Everything posted by TitsMcGee

  1. I know people who have done the same thing. I am a firm believe you shouldn't be able to by soda with bridge card, or any junk food. I'm very careful on what I buy with my card, I feel bad even buying kool-aid with it. What also pisses me off is that apparently in Bay City, you can use your bridge card to buy fucking Slurpees at 7-11. http://www.mlive.com/news/bay-city/index.ssf/2010/08/not_all_bay_county_7-eleven_st.html
  2. I wonder if there is anything in this life for me...or if I'm destined to be this unhappy and alone forever.
  3. My head feels like its gonna explode, I hate sinus infections.
  4. I'd seriously be reporting the vet to whatever agency that regulates vets. And I'd be seriously traumatized. To have to make the decision to put you beloved pet down, to only find it still alive the next day...I'd be thinking zombie dog or "Pet Cemetery" too.
  5. There is always hand sewing it if worst comes to worst. I'd do it for you if I was closer :(
  6. Like I'm getting a sinus infection. I told my mother and now she wants me to get my head scanned, since that what dad though he had when it turned out he had the brain tumor. We don't like sinus infections around here...
  7. Like a pariah in my own home. Which is making the urge to cut much stronger and harder to ignore. All because my brothers girlfriend is a cheating whore, and I had to inadvertently get caught in the middle of it. I wish I were fucking dead.
  8. I know she is getting death threats, I was just saying she's getting a lot of them since Mlive posted her address.
  9. I saw two different fake profiles for her on FB yesterday, so I wouldn't assume it was actually hers. But the original article I read of this on Mlive.com did list her address so I would assume she's getting a lot of hate mail and drive bys. I can imagine her house will also get egged on Halloween.
  10. http://www.mlive.com/news/detroit/index.ssf/2010/10/trenton_woman_apologizes_for_t.html She's apologized after getting death threats and her husband was suspended from his job.
  11. I'm going to beat the shit out of my brother's two timing whore of a girlfriend. She's been in AZ "taking care of her sick grandmother" which apparently means sitting on her computer sending naked pictures to god knows how many guys and starting different relationship with them. Dumb cunt got caught though because she has me as a friend on facebook and one of them said something about just wait till we can be together.
  12. I've been hearing so much about Fran since she passed, but no one is saying what happened to her.
  13. So very alone up here in the boondocks...
  14. Whats worse is that the cops were sitting outside during the crime. But because everything looked fine from the outside and they couldn't hear the screams they just sat there and did nothing.
  15. I walked 3 miles today...I fucking hurt.
  16. I had buck teeth. And people in this town just really didn't treat us that great anyway, because of my dad's job. Because he worked on the boats, we were considered "rich" even though we were far from it. And I was weird to being with, so in elementary school I was teased for that along with my buck teeth, then in jr. high and high school it got worse because of my mental illness issues. I was told to go kill myself on a daily basis. I dropped out as soon as I could, and went to the alternative school, where I still got teased because I was fat because of all the anti psychotics I was on. Once I hit college, I just really didn't talk to anyone.
  17. Mine has been doing on and off since Christmas...from high stress. And generally if you had a brain tumor you'd most likely be having raging headaches, not eye twitching. You might be looking like you had a stroke, be off balance..things like that.
  18. I think she has some serious underlying mental issues that need to be worked on.
  19. Serious empty feeling. I guess that is bound to happen when the man you love tells you to fuck off and die and never contact him again.
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