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Everything posted by TitsMcGee

  1. Depressed and worried about something that could possibly happen
  2. I loved the Bill and Ted movies, so I will so watch it.
  3. That's what all the caregivers up here charge.
  4. I've been on many of meds, if you want to talk just PM me
  5. I'm going to warn you, going through a caregiver isn't cheap. My dad's charges $250 an ounce. I'm lonely, as usual. It's hard being so far from everyone.
  6. From what I hear they will be doing most of the shooting in Detroit.
  7. Okay I'd just like to point something out. I get the not wanting cameras thing, but if you confiscate someones camera phone, and it then gets lost/stolen from you guys, yes you are responsible.
  8. It's amazing how fast things can turn to shit.
  9. Prick, as much as I love the majority of the people on this board I really don't see many of them being pro hunting...or knowing how to use a gun. With that said pheasant is really gamey unless you know how to cook it right.
  10. There was an article about this today on Mlive.com edit to add: here is the link to the article http://www.mlive.com/news/index.ssf/2010/09/hell_michigan_car_club_looks_t.html
  11. isolated. lonely. heart broken. suicidal. take you pick at the moment.
  12. Well I know of many barns, but I'm sure 5 hours north is a wee bit out of the way for you.
  13. My brother is really fucking useless. I'm at home all day taking care of dad and helping him build shit, and my brother apparently expects me to do all the household chores myself too so he can sit and play WoW when he gets home from class. And then I get yelled at when things aren't done because I'm the one that's home, even though my brother and I are supposed to be sharing the responsibilities. Does he get yelled at? No, because he is the golden child he can do no wrong.
  14. Seeing as my brother has been to Iraq twice, it's not that amusing.
  15. Hi and welcome. Here are some questions we like to as because we are nosy. *drum roll*
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