'These violent delights have violent ends And in their triumph die, like fire and powder Which, as they kiss, consume' Romeo and Juliet, Act II, Scene VI
So to give you all an update, dad had a procedure call Gamma Knife which basically means they shot gamma radiation at the tumor in a massive dose. They've done this twice so far because it has worked and the tumor has dissipated 60-70%. He is unsteady on his feet due to the steroids he is on to keep his brain from swelling, so now he is using a wheelchair to get around. Thankfully my brother in law is a builder and was up this weekend so he was able to put in a ramp for us so dad can leave the house.
He is starting IV chemo next week, so we'll see how that goes.
I wonder why people think I'm even remotely capable of handling a suicidal person, such as the one that is sleeping in my bed right now. What makes me qualified to stop him from killing himself, when I can barely stop myself from slashing my own wrists on a weekly basis.