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Everything posted by TitsMcGee

  1. Oh the comments on Mlive.com where I found the article are all like that. I find no problem with it myself..but I come from a town where football is everything.
  2. I think this is a very good idea for Muslim and non-Muslims alike, because it's cooler outside. With the damn heat wave we've been having those boys would be dropping like flies if they were practicing during the day. Although I think a 5 hour practice is a bit excessive, 3 hours would be good...but they seem to big on winning there in Dearborn. Shit I remember when I was in high school my basketball coach would have us practice from 5am-7am.
  3. If I haven't found it, there isn't one
  4. Yes it could if they are the same denomination, but that is a totally different topic. The fact that the majority of the people of NYC are against this Mosque from being built so close to Ground Zero, and the fact the building was damaged by one of the planes should mean something.
  5. The fact is part of one of the planes still landed in that building. And there is a Mosque like 3 blocks away so there really isn't need for another one so close.
  6. zombie baby! But seriously glad the kid is okay. The doctor should lose their license. And how long was it from the declaration till the wake? Because it couldn't have been that long, or that much have been one hungry baby.
  7. Contemplating suicide, and I tell my mother this my ass gets shipped off to the psych ward.
  8. Not well mentally, but that's nothing new these days is it.
  9. Well there's nothing so far but i'll be up around 3am so I'll check again
  10. I will be sitting outside at about Midnight with some popcorn watching it if it's not cloudy.
  11. I wish I had never fallen in love with him, then I wouldn't feel like this now.
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