Medical Marijuana users are not pot heads, they are people in pain. Most are cancer patients that use MM along with their pain pill regiments. By calling them pot heads, you are helping promote the stigma against Medical Marijuana.
That would be called an "A-Frame" hair cut
Edit to add:
The up-keep on those are seriously horrible, you have to go in for trims every 6 weeks like clock work. Growing them out also is not pretty.
Lonely and restless. I want to do something but there is nothing to do and no where to go around here, and no one to hang out with. I hate being so far from everyone and everything.
There a many shipwrecks in the Great Lakes. A few of the more famous ones are the Edmund Fitzgerald, Carl D. Bradly, and Cederville. If you're truly interested, check out this page
Another night sitting with my I long to be far away just for a little while. Especially since I found out my brothers girlfriend will be coming to visit. How I do not want to be anywhere near happy couples right now.