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Everything posted by TitsMcGee

  1. Does anyone care that BP just rents the rig..they didn't build it or have any say in what parts were or were not installed on it..
  2. It's not that hard, I'm sure you could do it yourself. I used to do that kind of stuff when I worked for Rent A Center.
  3. My soul is shattered, along with my heart.
  4. Avatar. Tired plot line..Dances with Smurfs...but very visually appealing.
  5. Being so far away from everyone. I want to try to get out of the house just for a little while, because I'm so stressed out with dad being sick, and from hurting over Charlie but there is absolutely no one close by that I really want to hang out with. I have maybe one person here, but she works and doesn't drive and she's dealing with her own family shit that I don't want to bother her..
  6. Not only are they irritating, they are dangerous too http://www.foxnews.com/world/2010/06/18/south-african-woman-ruptures-throat-vuvuzela-contest/?test=latestnews
  7. Shit my last name is Romel and my maternal grandmother was born & raised in Halle (Saale) and I still don't understand soccer lol. And when exactly did Germany become a third world country?
  8. Can I just say those horn things at the World Cup are irritating as hell. Other than that, I just don't care about soccer.
  9. *hugs* If you need someone to talk to, just shoot me a line.
  10. My brother comes home, and I turn right back into Cinderella, while he gets to sit on his ass eating bonbons.
  11. Well it's nice to see they lost enough business to change their minds and stop being assholes. Hopefully this news will spread just as fast as them charging people to come back in after a cigarette, and business will start to pick up.
  12. that is a very appealing thought, for what I have found out over the past two days.
  13. Drive to Lansing, find my ex, have a good old time..
  14. I don't know what I should feel right now.
  15. Well, 4 months of emotional cheating..that's good to know.
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