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Everything posted by TitsMcGee

  1. We just got the bill for dad's 6 weeks of radiation treatments..I might be sick
  2. I call those "My boyfriend beat me and I'm hiding the black eye" glasses
  3. * to Eevee* Pretty much this..I texted him earlier telling him I missed him, that I missed us..and got nothing back. Not that I'm really surprised about that though.
  4. like hurting myself. i'm so tired of crying constantly. i just want my life to go back to the way it used to be. before it all went to shit.
  5. I would like to know why exactly there was a sword on the set of a porn movie..
  6. Got a call today from Mental health, a therapy appointment has been set up. Still fighting the urge to cut myself, I just want to wake up from this nightmare.
  7. Next time I see you, you so have to make my a puppy
  8. I'm trying..at my own pace. Isn't that enough? Seriously, people constantly telling me to get over things faster really isn't helping me much. I'm hurting, I'm stressed out, I feel guilty because I wish I could be anywhere but here, I feel like the worlds worst child. I'm seeing the doctor and taking my meds and trying to deal with life without cutting myself. I'm trying..
  9. Kinda irritated. Saw the shrink dude guy today, it'll be at least 2 more weeks before I can get into regular therapy, so they threw more drugs at me. I have to be back at the end of the month to see shrink dude guy again. Bright side is that one of the side effects for the new drug is weight loss...I can roll with that.
  10. 10 bucks says that if they send someone down into said hole, they will find old ruins or something.
  11. Okay, I thought of something I seem to collect. Yarn..lots of yarn.
  12. I just know that if I did off myself, it would kill my father and hurt my niece and nephew who lost their father to suicide. They are the only reasons I haven't done it yet, but it's getting harder to fight the urges.
  13. I'm pretty sure if it was possible, I would have killed myself by now.
  14. do scars count? I have more than a few of those.
  15. I wish I could be numb. Numb would be easier than this..
  16. 300 bucks for my tattoo..fuck that
  17. Hopeful that a drive will help me clear my head. Thinking bad thoughts again.
  18. if you need someone to talk to, i am always here for you.
  19. I'm fucking irritated with my brother in law, who apparently doesn't give two shits about my feelings. For some reason he just has to keep Charlie as a friend on facebook, even though I've asked him to remove him since its not like they were actually friends. But he won't.
  20. Having lost two family members from suicide, I can understand what you're dealing with. I can also understand why someone would commit suicide, I've struggled with thoughts and still do. It's not easy, especially if you have one of the "badder" mental illnesses. Suicide for the person doing it is easy. It's only hard for the people left behind. My brother in law left behind my sister and two young children, who still have problems. I suffer from recurring nightmares because I had to direct the crime scene clean up people on what to do. Those are memories you can never get out of your head. People say only cowards kill themselves..but I think I've come to the conclusion that sometimes that the only thing that will help that person. No matter how much it hurts those that are left behind. I'm sorry for your loss.
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