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Everything posted by TitsMcGee

  1. If it's a constant thing, as your doctor about getting a low dose of Buspar. Seems to be helping me for the most part, and I was having panic attacks everyday there for a while after dad got sick.
  2. I'm at the edge and I'm ready to just jump. I really don't think he'd care if I was gone.
  3. I'm sorry I'm not getting over things as fast as everyone would like. I'll just stop saying how I feel.
  4. I really don't know if I can be more sad than I already am. I'm just trying to keep it away from suicidal.
  5. Like I want to drink myself into oblivion and forgot my whole life.
  6. Well it seems that bad things happen in 3s...I'm waiting for the 3rd.
  7. People say that God doesn't give you more than you can handle...well I'm not handling everything that's happened since Christmas very well.
  8. Those thousands of American's joined the military of their own free will, and the majority of them believe in the job they are doing. What Obama is doing by not being at Arlington on Monday, is that he doesn't care about the sacrifice they made. What message does that send to all our men and women serving, when their Commander and Chief doesn't care about those who were lost enough to lay a freaking wreath and have a few pictures taken? It kinda kills the moral.
  9. For the President to not be at Arlington National Cemetery on fucking MEMORIAL DAY is a slap in the face to anyone who has served, and the families who lost their loved ones. At this point it doesn't matter what Bush did or didn't do, it's Obama's job now. Edit to add: He's not laying the wreath because he's going on "vacation" to Chicago. He has his own freaking plane, I think he could make it back to lay the wreath.
  10. And the fact he's skipping laying the wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers at Arlington on Monday. He doesn't seem to care about the military.
  11. It's just life up here in the sticks. Nothing anyone can really do about it. I just gotta try to deal till I see someone.
  12. There are like 4 therapists, one shrink and one PA for a 4 county radius. The only other place is Behavioral Health at the hospital and they won't take my medicaid. LAst two times I went in had to be for crisis because my appointment with the PA was still months away, last time I saw him was freaking November. Everyone and their brother apparently has to send their kids to mental health to get ADD meds, and it's a bitch to get an appointment.
  13. Irritated. It's been 2 weeks since I did the intake appointment at the local community mental health to start therapy again, and they have yet to call me with an appointment with one of the therapists. At least I have an appointment on Tuesday to see my PA there, so I might be able to finally get an appointment. I really need to talk to someone soon, before I do something stupid again.
  14. when you're licensed can I come to you for therapy.
  15. Who were you planning on hitting with that hammer?
  16. I'm tired as hell..the head and running around for mom today took a lot out of me.
  17. I love that you put a disclaimer lol
  18. Crying..again or is that still. I think about him and I start to cry. Or maybe I'm crying for the future I apparently wasn't meant to have. I saw myself growing old with him and being surrounded by our children and grandchildren. I just don't understand where it went wrong, and if it had to go wrong, why he had to wait till after our anniversary to end it. Or make me believe he was going to marry me..
  19. I hope you never do..it's not pleasant.
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