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Everything posted by TitsMcGee

  1. Can I go back to bed yet? Seriously I hate this, I just want a rewind button so I can go back to when things were good.
  2. I'm starting to think the tears will never stop, and that everyone would be better off if I just would disappear.
  3. I would just like to point something out that has been bugging me. Everyone is all for boycotting BP right now, which is understandable. But 90% of the BP gas stations in this country are franchised owned, which means they really have nothing to do with the corporate offices. By boycotting, you are just hurting a small business owner.
  4. I'm crying again, so what does that tell you.
  5. I hate the weekends...no one is around to talk to online, and I feel even more lonely than I already do.
  6. I wish I could stop dreaming about him..the nightmares hurt less.
  7. Sorry, I don't see us meeting while you are here. I don't get out very much and live 4 hours north of Detroit. Currently...I feel much like I did earlier.
  8. You want an honest answer, OK then. I'm not OK, I haven't been for a long time. As a matter of fact I want nothing more than, even on good days, to end my life.
  9. See, most people would think I was a racist because of where I grew up, but I am not. Racism is not a conservative value, no matter how people try to portray it as. Maybe it's dumb for me to quote the bible on this, but it's what I believe:
  10. I'm starting to wonder if my heart will ever stop hurting and if I will ever stop thinking about him constantly. I wonder if he really even meant it when he told me he loved me, or if it was all just lies. I gave him everything I had to give and then some because I love him that much. How pathetic I am..
  11. That part refereed to people freaking out by South Park using the Prophet Muhammad. It is my personal belief that they shouldn't mock religion of any kind, but they shouldn't have to censor things because a small group of extremists threatened violence. To me it doesn't matter what religion it is, making fun of people's faith is just wrong. You could worship the plastic bear honey comes in, and I would still think it was wrong if someone mocked you for it.
  12. But using terms like that doesn't help anything at all. I just don't understand why people feel the need to mock another group of people because they don't agree with what they have to say. Which is why I made this thread, so I can try to understand the other point of view.
  13. Frankly I think it's very rude. Yes I also think censoring anything to do with the Muslim faith is wrong also, but mocking ANY religion is wrong in my eyes.
  14. Have I ever had a major issue with you Slogo? I'm just trying to understand your position on things, and this isn't a very good explanation.
  15. I'm honestly curious on why a large majority of people on here think that leaning to the right or being conservative is such a horrible thing. I mean is it so wrong to have traditional values, believing in a limited government, and believe in God? Because I've gotten the vibe from many people here, that being conservative is wrong and being liberal is the only way to go. So please explain to me why you think that way so I can understand your point of view.
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