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Everything posted by TitsMcGee

  1. Combs actually used to have a show with Hannity, and he does a show on Fox News Radio.
  2. Actually Al Sharpton is a frequent guest on Hannity, and Allan Combs who leans very left makes the rounds on ALL the opinion shows.
  3. I watch a lot of fox because of my dad, so I know for a fact that they offer both sides because they invite people on for both sides of the spectrum. Yes because no other news organization has bee duped by morons. If I remember correctly, when that stupid Aqua Teen Hunger Force movie came out or whatever, all the news organizations were saying there were bombs all over NYC because of people hanging up the stupid little signs for the movie or something. This was a few years back so I can't remember the specifics, other than it was really really stupid. And O'Reily is not part of a the "News" broadcast. It is on at 8pm and is called an "Opinion" show. He may talk about what is going on in the news but it is still considered an opinion show.
  4. This is what irritates me..Bill O'Riley is an opinion show..not news. If you want the actual news, watch any of the shows during the day. If you want opinion shows, that's what Beck, O'Riley, and Hannity are for. Stop confusing the two concepts.
  5. Sometimes life seems like it would be easier if you could just sit in a corner and bang your head against a wall.
  6. Voted, good luck I hope you win.
  7. Angry. I'm suppressing the urge to drive to Lansing to beat the ever loving shit out of my ex. He refuses to take a picture of me and my sisters kids off his facebook even though I asked politely. He has no reason to keep it, and I'd rather he not keep it up because my sisters kids are in it. He has nothing to do with me or them anymore. He's just trying to hurt me. I took the tag of me off at least so no one can figure out who the kids are.
  8. Hurting. It's been a hard day, along with everything else I've been dealing with today is the 7 year anniversary of my best friend's suicide and I can't go out to the cemetery like I always do.
  9. I want to be held really bad right now..I just want to feel like maybe there is a man out there who could love me unconditionally.
  10. People are trying to make a big deal that she was in a pole dancing contest or something sponsored by 95.5. It was a woman's only event, and she was more clothed than she was in the swimsuit portion of the pageant. Go Rima!
  11. Sick of trying so hard because everyone keeps telling me I'm not trying at all. I just wish I was dead.
  12. please make my head stop hurting
  13. So I was told today that I have an unrealistic expectation for the men I date, and that my Twilight obsession caused this. I didn't realize expecting someone to keep their promises and and be honest with me was unrealistic...
  14. Oh as tempting as that sounds....I think it would be a bad idea for me to do anything like that. I'm much the same, a horrible mix of almost numb but still hurting.
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