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Everything posted by TitsMcGee

  1. I feel sick to my stomach after eating for the first time in over 24 hours...granted not that I wanted to eat, I wasn't hungry. I was forced to eat. I wish I lived alone.
  2. Please God, give me the strength to survive without him in my life. Because right now I don't think I can. I've never hurt this bad before.
  3. Excuse the Twilight reference, you can revoke my goth card. You know how Bella felt in "New Moon" when Edward left...that pretty much sums it up.
  4. i don't want to feel anything anymore
  5. I just don't know anymore...I think I've hit numb.
  6. I'm awake earlier than I wanted to be. I have to have my brother to the Saginaw airport by 7:30..which means we have to leave at 4am. Fuck me. I'm also still sick and can't really breath.
  7. I has the sick, and I have to be on the road driving by like 5am to take my brother to Saginaw airport. Ugh
  8. Has played the calm and rational card. I can do a break..it's not a break up. Now if the terms I want will be accepted..
  9. Stupor was the one I was going for but I was already kinda drunk by then. Charlie and I are talking and I think we're on the road to working this out.
  10. Wishes things would go back to normal...I just want to feel his arms around me again.
  11. Death warmed over probably looks better than me right now. I'm not even respected enough to get an response back about mailing me something I left at his house. Fucking typical. I really really need to come up with some cash soon for a new tattoo.
  12. who knew I still had tears left..you'd think they would all be gone after the past few days.
  13. like I want someone to just shoot me and put me out of my misery
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