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Everything posted by TitsMcGee

  1. Him not telling me straight up WTF is going on...I just need the truth. It hurts not knowing.
  2. I think I got my answer, when there was no answer at all. My heart hurts now..more than it did earlier.
  3. I need to cry. I need to break things. I need to scream. And I can't do anything.
  4. sadly I've gotten used to it..been living across the street from them for over a decade.
  5. *hugs* I feel your pain, I live across the street from people with chickens...and a rooster.
  6. Gee I wonder where he gets that from
  7. Charlie still loves me and doesn't want to break up with me. I've been tripping out lately because of his distance, and I thought he wanted to leave me.
  8. Better than I've been...but still have to residual affects from my almost freak out. I should try to go back to sleep soon.
  9. Bella Swan, New Moon, Chapter 4, p.93
  10. Fucking shoot me now..I still haven't slept..going to try and nap now.
  11. Insomnia ruined my day..I couldn't fall asleep till oh about 6am and then woke up at 9am. FML
  12. Hmm this is something I'm going to have to try next time I take a bubble bath...lord knows I need to induce some calm into my life.
  13. I get a sharp stick in the eye..I didn't work at all last year so I don't get to file taxes.
  14. Now if we could only get her to quit movies too...and I don't know..be a normal teenager, everyone would be happy then.
  15. Makes me wonder why it's called common sense, since it's not so common. Frankly these "parents" should be charged with child endangerment along with abuse.
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