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Everything posted by TitsMcGee

  1. lol this made me smile a bit..thank you I needed that.
  2. Mentally, not good at all. Bad thoughts.
  3. Jesus christ. Granted I know what it's like to be in that shitty grey area when it comes to help.
  4. Raev, to make you feel better I'll give you some of my fat ok
  5. Jelly Belly really needs to not put buttered popcorn, chocolate pudding or caramel apple flavored jelly beans in their kids pack..they're kinda gross. Tuti-Fruiti isn't that great either.
  6. They've been doing that up here in some schools for the past semester because the district can't afford to keep them open for 5 days a week. It seems to be working out well, and most daycares are giving a deal for just that one day since they are getting an influx of people. Also family members step up and watch the kids, such as grandma.
  7. The fact it's spring but it's like 30 degrees and windy as hell. It's cold.
  8. I don't wanna go to the doctor..it's cold outside :(
  9. Glad I could help. I just recently went through the nail technician program at a local school, and I regret not doing the cosmetology program because I'm not very hire-able. Also I'm going to warn you that once you finish it's not cheap to take the state test, you have to pay $39 to the state to register, then $144 to the PSI testing people to take the tests, then $24 for the your license for the first year, then $48 to renew every 2 years.
  10. Most schools allow you to do payment plans. As for like scholarships, you'd probably have a better chance finding one if you went through the whole cosmetology program. It's longer but you are also more hire-able then too.
  11. Because picking up random people in a pub has nothing to do with the spread of the disease lol
  12. I'm going to warn you, it's not going to be easy. The state rules and regulations are particularly boring. And drama will ensue any place you have lots of women in one small area. Other than that have fun
  13. I'd just like to point out that Medicaid already covers childless adults, it's called the Adult Medical Program. You just have to get in during open enrollment, which should be coming up here shortly.
  14. That's a very good idea. When Charlie and I have kids that is our plan also.
  15. I still live in my parents home but they cannot claim me as a dependent since I get state assistance benefits. Which might make me look like a hypocrite for my beliefs and the fact I get state assistance, but with my families current situation I'm just using any resource I can.
  16. But that's not denying treatment. Denying treatment would be turning them away completely without offering another option. In the case of taking the woman to another hospital, it was probably to a public hospital where they deal with the uninsured all the time. Private hospitals (such as those owned by churchs..like St. Mary's in Saginaw) have the option of turning people away if they cannot pay. Phee the hospital wasn't denying the person the surgery, they just expected you to pay for it if your insurance wouldn't cover it. Hospitals do make payment plans with people.
  17. Please send some of that energy north please kthxbi
  18. Does that mean I will get kicked off of Medicaid and put back on my father's insurance even though we have no idea how long he's going to have it now that he can't work? What about the "children" who have nothing to do with their parents and don't want to be on their insurance? There are A LOT of questions that still need to be answered.
  19. So it's back in the senate right now for added amendments, one of which is banning sex offenders from getting erectile dysfunction medication. If they do vote yes on it, that means the whole process has to go back through the house, which probably means they will vote that down. Now I'm not against universal health care, I'm just against this bill. They could have done many other things to make health care more affordable such as being able to purchase across state lines, banning the restrictions on preexisting conditions, and overhauling the Medicaid and Medicare system to make more incentives for doctors to take them. Fining people who don't want insurance just isn't right. Take my father for example, he is now considered totally disabled and cannot work & he is receiving disability starting in July. But he's not eligible for Medicare until he is 62, which doesn't happen for 2 more years. What is he supposed to do for insurance for the next two years? Thankfully his company is working with us so he can keep his insurance for a while, but they shouldn't have to do that since he's not working. If Medicare was overhauled to allow people who are close to 62 and disabled we wouldn't be worrying so much. And frankly I personally think that the members of our government should be on the same insurance they want the rest of the country to be on.
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