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Everything posted by TitsMcGee

  1. Car insurance was a states issue, and driving is a privilege not a right.
  2. I wish the UPS Store or Staples would list their printing prices online.
  3. The feds cannot mandate someone buy a product if they don't want to.
  4. Well, my mom wanted me to tell you that she likes the idea of Apollo. *HUgs* And yes, you can name him whatever you want.
  5. Spin some wire for Dana and Charlie's hand-fasting bouquet and bountiners
  6. I'm hoping that Charlie and I will be able to go. He's been talking about wanting to go camping this summer.
  7. Warn me..I don't care. I stand by what I said, and frankly don't consider it a personal attack. I was just pointing out the obvious.
  8. I changed my mind...I wish bad things for you. My father has brain cancer, he's doing rather well but will never work again. This is because he was a chief engineer on the great lakes freighters, and wouldn't be able to pass a coast guard physical. You have no idea what kind of pain he deals with every day. You don't have a soul and frankly no social skills what so ever if you make comments like these and think it's perfectly acceptable. My only wish is that you endure only a 1/10th of the pain a person fighting cancer does and maybe then you will learn.
  9. You are seriously a twisted person. Do you even understand what a person dealing with cancer goes through? You lack the basic compassion any human should have..I don't wish bad things on you, but I really don't wish you well.
  10. Having a bad night..think it's time for a bubble bath then off to bed.
  11. Dad is getting physically sick now...FML. Had a panic attack earlier even with being on something for anti-anxiety because I'm freaking out since I can't do anything really for him. Again..FML
  12. Beautiful Brenda! I wish I was as pretty as you.
  13. "A parent's only as good as their dumbest kid. If one wins a Nobel Prize but the other gets robbed by a hooker, you failed." From the little bit of the ones I read this is my favorite..
  14. You are so not allowed to watch that again until after the baby comes.
  15. Trying to find seed beads in bulk for a reasonably cheap price..new craft project in my future.
  16. I really don't think that was exactly Wal-Marts fault. All you have to do is go to an empty check out with one of the PA phones, pick it up and hit the PA button, so anyone could have done it. But yeah that is freaking messed up.
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