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Everything posted by TitsMcGee

  1. The majority of people who use medical marijuana, that has been RECOMMENDED to them by a doctor, don't do it to get high. Sure you're always going to get the bad apples with "back injuries" that will get their card so they can get stoned without getting into trouble. But for a cancer patient it can mean being able to eat without vomiting from the chemotherapy, or to be able to sleep for more than an hour before the pain wakes you up. And you're right I don't know how much you know about drugs, and I really don't want to know either. I just know that I am a caregiver for my cancer patient father and I've seen how much pot has helped him. All the so called statistics in the world won't change my opinion on what I've seen with my own eyes. And by calling a cancer patient a pot head shows me that you lack compassion because of things you've experience in your own life with drugs. If it works for a person who are you to judge? Who is Wal-Mart to judge what medication a person can take to work there, especially if they don't use it while they are on company time. If the state of Michigan, as fucked up as it may be, gives a person a card saying they can legally take a substance to help them with pain, who are any of us to judge? I just don't think it's fair that this man is now going to lose his health insurance which pays for all his other medications, because Wal-Mart doesn't agree with what kind of medication he takes.
  2. really fucking annoyed at stupid people
  3. You apparently have done no research. And narcotics are addictive and dangerous, marijuana is not. My father just had a brain tumor removed and is a medical marijuana user and does 10x better with marijuana than he does with the narcotics he's on, he is able to function without med head. Before you make seriously wrong assumptions, actually do the research on the subject.
  4. Kinda hurt and pissed off. My mom seems to always make me feel like I don't do a damn thing around here when she is pissed off at something dad did.
  5. I have a feeling nightmares are going to happen tonight.
  6. Michigan probably didn't have many wolverines to begin with. Fur traders coming down from Canada were trading them in the MI territory which is why people figured we had them. And this one was probably and exotic pet someone let loose when it got to big to deal with.
  7. The weekend was wonderful, the driving 4 hours north on my birthday kinda sucked lol. Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes I feel loved.
  8. But they kinda already have...it's called Wicked. I hear they're making that into a movie soon.
  9. So I'm just curious if anyone has a small dvd player they're looking to get rid of. I can't pay much though. If anyone might be able to help me out I'd greatly appreciate it.
  10. Depressed...time for a bubble bath and then bed.
  11. Lol once I figure out how to make sweaters I will give it a go. I still really only know basic stitches but got an awesome book today that should help me out a lot.
  12. Apparently my body just doesn't care that I have to drive 4.5 hours north tomorrow
  13. As Tony the Tiger says..I feel GRRREEEAAATTT!
  14. Crocheted actually. I'm in the process of teaching myself how to knit though.
  15. So some of you knew I was making Meg a baby quilt and some other stuff for the new baby. Finally finished and it's going in the mail tomorrow. Here are some pictures. I don't think the pictures really do the quilt justice. PS - Don't mind the date stamp, my camera is stupid apparently.
  16. Just don't be late on the payment...then the repo man comes.
  17. Finishing pretty baby things for a beautiful preggo friend
  18. What I'm thinking are state forest campgrounds, not state parks. At the forest campgrounds, you really don't have many other people there since most prefer the park. Granted ya'll probably don't have many of them down state...so I guess just forget I mentioned anything.
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