Charlie and I will try, but can't guarantee anything. Also if you want secluded check out to see if there are any rustic camp areas, those usually don't have many people because there are no showers or running water, which means no DNR to bug you.
My back hurts. I need to get a more comfortable chair to sit in when I'm at the sewing machine. Tomorrow the quilt will be done and will be mailed out Thursday
I find this to be a very good idea. Urban gardening is a growing trend, and this could help many low income people to get fresh fruits and veggies. Now just teach them how to can things and they will have them all winter long too.
Things are going better today. Mom talked to Charlie about maybe surprising me with money for a hotel room, which prompted Charlie to talk to his mom again. Now I'm allowed to stay there for my birthday weekend. I just have to make them dinner Friday night while Charlie is at work, which I was planning on doing anyway.
I want to cry and throw a lot of things. Charlie just told me his mom would rather I not come down next weekend for my birthday and one year anniversary because with is dad having his broken hip they are very tight on money right now. I totally understand where she is coming from, but it's still hard because I haven't seen him since before Christmas ffs. And he won't be able to come up here till April, so I have to wait another month...*sighs*
Some people just shouldn't be allowed to reproduce, this girls parents are some of those people. I pray she is getting the counseling she needs to help her deal this horrible ordeal.
I'm glad that the court seems to have some sense on this issue. The only way anyone will take my guns away from me is when they pry them from my cold dead hands.
Are you getting enough iron and protein in you're diet? It could be causing some slight anemia.
As for me...I am soooo not looking forward to filling out all the paperwork I got today from Social Security.