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Everything posted by TitsMcGee

  1. More than slightly amused with stupid people.
  2. I'm with you, any crimes against children should be an automatic death sentence.
  3. seeing that always cracks me up. I also love the new picture, you look great.
  4. Nice. I say donate the braids to locks of love.
  5. I really hope I am able to sneak away to Lansing for my birthday and Charlie and mine's one year anniversary.
  6. I used to get them once in a while then they stopped, but with everything going on right now they have come back with a vengeance.
  7. Son of a bitch..I feel another panic attack coming on.
  8. Run down and depressed. The two panic attacks I had today didn't help much.
  9. Umm not all rednecks sit and wave around the confederate flag, and you don't have to be southern either. Most people consider someone redneck if they are from a small town, and have small town values and hospitalities. And the men you were describing in your previous post are just douche bags for how they treat people, and didn't have good male role models growing up .
  10. Bored and tired. I guess it's time for bed.
  11. I will be sticking pretty close to home I think. Hopefully will be working. But mostly taking care of dad.
  12. Very happy that I found the website to the local compassion club. They are going to help me with the whole doctor situation so dad can get his mm card. That is another weight off my shoulders.
  13. Finding one of those up here apparently isn't easy. I have one more place to call and if they say no I'm out of options. I really want him to get his card because the local drug cops have been really really busy lately and I really don't need them to bust me or dad.
  14. Frustrated. I've been going through the paperwork to get dad his medical marijuana card and right now the only thing stopping it is trying to get ONE of his many doctors to sign the freaking paperwork. They are all against it because it's a "drug". Jesus Christ he's on some pretty hardcore pain killers, why not let him have something natural? So needless today I have to make calls tomorrow.
  15. I donate ever time I can. I've donated well over a gallon. Also,FGM you should check out the England thing because I don't think there is a waiting period on giving blood if you've been there recently.
  16. I read this earlier..it's amazing. I feel bad for the woman because she has hypothyroidism though, which is probably why she weighs so much.
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