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Everything posted by TitsMcGee

  1. But I'm redneck..does that mean you love to hate me?
  2. Awake and slightly confused. Which I guess is nothing new..
  3. Tired and emotionally drained. Today was just a very long day, and it didn't help I had a panic attack sitting at the Social Security office.
  4. I figure I would post this here too. He's doing alright, been going to radiation and doing chemo for about a week and a half now. Still trying to figure out how to pay the bills, so a friend organized this benefit. But I need to get some sleep..have to get up early and shave his head before radiation.
  5. Ahh yes..family. Those evil things you have to deal with, or find a lot of places to hide the bodies. Tell them to suck it up and deal with it.
  6. If people are making you feel bad for getting out and meeting new people, then they are not true friends.
  7. The old polish women across the street made some for us this weekend. They were gone by the next day lol.
  8. My sister annoys me..with all the shit we are dealing with here at home she has to bother my mom with the fact I used the "F" word on my facebook. I'm an adult, get over it.
  9. Honestly? I haven't been eating much of anything, my stress level is so high that I haven't been sleeping, and I've been having the urge to cut myself. Dad has been being so stubborn on the smoking thing and it's pissing me off because we don't have money to pay for them anymore, so we all have to quit. I feel almost useless because I'm not working and can't find a job up here. I'm depressed because I miss Charlie so much and just want him to be here to give me a hug. But now it's time to suck it up I guess..another night of sleeping on the couch because dad is asleep on his chair and we haven't been leaving him alone in case something happens.
  10. They Daytona 500 is pretty boring so far..I needs to see me a crash.
  11. People who bitch about their jobs when a shit ton of people can't find jobs in this economy. And no this is NOT directed at anyone in particular, just something that really annoys me.
  12. I kindly referred to number 8 as Peter Pan when I saw him. The fiddlers were awesome though.
  13. I think he did die instantly. They moved the men's start down to where the woman's start was supposed to be and they are still going 85-90mph. There were also a few crashes tonight.
  14. Is it bad that the first thing that came to mind was not a piano..
  15. I guess I'm sleeping on the couch again watching the Olympics.
  16. I hate the fact that my dad has started calling me a nag because I'm the one making sure he takes his meds on time, and taking him to most of his appointments so mom can work.
  17. My jaw is killing me and I don't know why.
  18. omg I hate my new heart burn meds..they don't work for shit. I miss my old meds, but had to change because they weren't covered by my medicaid.
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