Got mine from here
Pisces: Feb 10 - March 20
Nothing will happen to you for quite some time. Stay in bed until the 3rd then check your mail. Have a sandwich.
I think I might finally have all my ducks in a row when it comes to getting my student loans deferred and the whole medicaid issue. Although still working on the medicaid thing, my case worker hasn't heard anything from Lansing yet. So I'm kinda irritated with Lansing.
Slightly happy. I found out that this old lithograph we have hanging on our wall is worth between $950-1,350. Now we just need to figure out where we could sell it...
Tired..I'm on night duty with dad waiting for him to fall asleep so I can curl up on this here couch and pretend to sleep while listening to him all know that half sleep while you're listening for a cough or something.
You May Be a Bit Borderline...
Your mood swings make a roller coaster look tame!
When you're up, you're a little bit crazy...
And when you're down, your whole world is crashing
Scary thing is, these moods can change by the minute!
What Personality Disorder Are You?
Yep that's what the shrinks told me..