It's a commercial of Tim Tebow's mom talking about how when she was pregnant she got really sick was told she should get an abortion because the birth might kill her. She decided not to and today has a son that's a Heisman trophy winner. It's not that depressing.
*Sending good vibes to Junior Goat*
I myself am a bit stressed out still. We meet with Social Security today about dad getting disability, which we know won't start till at least July. Also I have a funeral this weekend that I have to make the bulletins for.
Dad was in the hospital earlier this week for a few days. His COPD decided now was a good time to have a horrid flare up. So now he's on water pills, breathing treatments and oxygen. He's still in good spirits though, just sounds like hell when he sleeps.
It's statements like this that lead to movements like the tea parties. Calling people idiots for believing something different than you is not only ignorant, it also shows just how little tolerance you show for other beliefs.
Tired, didn't sleep too much last night. Too much to get done today, although they won't release dad till tomorrow sometime. I would feel better about this if he wasn't in Alpena hospital, I really don't like that place very much.
Tired, was at the local ER from about 9:30 till about 2:30. Dad is in the hospital overnight because he was having some breathing issues due to his's been a long night.