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Everything posted by TitsMcGee

  1. I'm getting really tired of sitting in hospitals at all hours of the night.
  2. Watching the news and trying to keep warm. It's a bit cold up here today.
  3. I have hives...again. I'm really really getting sick of itching and being all red and stuff.
  4. Who the hell ties a kid up so they can run bath water? You sit their ass in front of the tv watching cartoons, or take then in the bathroom with you.
  5. Really annoyed my case worker hasn't called me back today. I know it's Friday and all but seriously this is kinda a big issue for me.
  6. Meh..started my new higher dose of meds last night so I'm hoping I'll start feeling better about things in a few days.
  7. Uhh how is it Bush's fault that the Supreme Court ruled the way they did? They are a total separate entity from the executive branch of government, and last time I checked all 9 justices had brains in their heads. With that said, I think it's very dumb that they did this, but blaming Bush is also quite silly.
  8. Finding coupons online is harder than I thought it would be.
  9. So radiation and chemo will be starting on Feb 3rd. We picked up his chemo drugs today, and thank Jesus for his "Cadillac" health insurance plan, because without it the 42 chemo pills would be costing us $12,000. We're holding up I guess...
  10. I really really really hope this whole medicaid fiasco can be worked out in my favor..otherwise I will be without any health insurance. If that happens I will have to go off all my meds, which would probably be a bad thing.
  11. I don't think Courtney Love should be on the list..
  12. Crappy...would get into it but I already posted it all on my facebook.
  13. Going into see a therapist this morning was a complete waste of time...I think I feel worse after seeing the lady.
  14. Been there, done that. My dad used to work on the freighters so I used to go on trips with him all the time when I was little.
  15. Dealing with dad's cancer, and now being told I'm going to lose my medicaid because my old case worker was a lazy bastard who didn't do their job is causing lots of stress. And then the crap like the nightmares I always seem to have are getting worse as my stress level does up which is causing the panic attacks.
  16. Stressing very much right now...DHS has wrecked my calm.
  17. We can blame my Emo Emily moment on recent events.
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