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Everything posted by TitsMcGee

  1. I'm the wicked witch of the north, and I'm melting.
  2. I hate my brother's inability to motivate himself to look for a car and work. I can't support this family all on my own, I need help. I'm not ready to be "the (wo)man of the house" yet. I need help. All he wants to do is sit and play video games while I pull my disability and work my fingers to the bones on my crafts to sell them and while mom works. I might even have to get a part time job now on top of it.
  3. Everyone keeps waiting for me to have a break down. I feel....restless.
  4. You know, with all those shoes behind her I really do think she's a hoarder.
  5. And I can tell you that Hulu Plus isn't all that great either, you pay for commercials..
  6. Well what about the shows that they have half on instant stream and half on dvd? That's just stupid.
  7. out of curiosity, why were you watching Toddlers in Tiaras in the first place?
  8. Tis the least I can do for this place as it has been my sounding board for how long.

  9. HOrrible....they finally gave us a time frame on dad...he's only got a few days left.
  10. So with my dad now on hospice, I won't be able to attend Manfast this yes. Please drink one for me.
  11. Stress and insomnia...these days I'm checking on my dad every hour or so to make sure he's still alive.
  12. Hospice takes a lot of paperwork
  13. Some of you probably read this on facebook already. Chemo has been stopped and hospice has been started. The tumor has grown a very large amount and the chance of bleeding is too high to continue the chemo with the amount of brain swelling. So there isn't that much longer left.
  14. Worried about Da..he's back to using a wheel chair.
  15. If you have a local Sally Beauty Supply you can get it from there without having to pay for shipping. You don't need a cosmetology license or anything to shop there.
  16. I think I have way too much shit to do before MANFEST
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