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Everything posted by TitsMcGee

  1. People also have common sense Phee. Contrary to popular belief, Christians do have minds and know how to use them. Like I said the majority of people know Robertson is a kook and his statements should just be ignored.
  2. But Pat Robertson doesn't speak for all Christians, in fact the majority of Christians think that man is a kook. What the man said was stupid and insensitive, but he is also just a man and last time I checked was not the leader of all Christians.
  3. After hearing what Danny Glover said, I am kinda surprised that no one seems to be up in arms about that.
  4. He's doing really well. He starts radiation treatments on Monday, so that will take a bit out of him. Otherwise he's keeping his spirits up.
  5. Like I should go to sleep before dad wakes up and I get yelled at for staying up all night again.
  6. I'm really sick of people trying to use me.
  7. So dad will be starting radiation next week, 5 days a week which I will be driving him to. So not sure how much I will be on. He had appointments in Saginaw the past 2 days, and both went well. Just wanted to keep ya'll updated. Not sure if you really want to be, but this is really the only place I have to vent where my mother or family can't read.
  8. As a Christian, Pat Robertson makes me sick. The man just needs to crawl into his hole and die. I wish I could donate something to help the people of Haiti, but I can't. The most I can do is pray for those who are left behind who now have to rebuild their who lives.
  9. Glad to be home. Dad's appointments went well and we can do all the radiation and chemo here in Alpena. That will save us a lot of money since we don't have to drive to Saginaw for it.
  10. I sadly won't be able to make it for this, dad will be in the middle of his chemo and radiation so I don't want to be too far away from home.
  11. My cough seems to have finally gone away, so yay
  12. Sadly, it seems like those people's parents never taught them to have respect for themselves and for the others around them.
  13. There is an 8 year age difference between Charlie and I. I have no issues with it, and neither does he because we are on the same maturity level.
  14. Like I could really use a hug. I wish Charlie could be here, I haven't seen him since before Christmas and with everything going on, I have no idea when I will be able to see him again unless he drives up here.
  15. Well, I've seemed to have lost about 5 pounds since Christmas...although I haven't really done anything. Stress is an interesting thing.
  16. If it counts my dad is really looking forward to getting his medical marijuana card.
  17. We have a wind turbine..well a small version of one. We have had no dead birds or bats, and our electric bill has been cut in half. I'll take a picture tomorrow and post it.
  18. Well there is always K-mart for me, but that is across town and half the time I can't find clothes there that fit me. And around here really there isn't anywhere else to go in the first place. Our mall is a hallway with like 5 stores, which only one offers things in my size..and they aren't cheap.
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