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Everything posted by TitsMcGee

  1. US: Sara - Starship UK: Chain Reaction - Diana Ross AUS: That's What Friends Are For - Dionne Warwick
  2. I really dislike Wal-Mart these days because they just re-did ours and they have like nothing anymore. But where I live, it's the only place to shop that's relatively cheap.
  3. Just finished working on the quilt for the evening. My fingers hurt from hand sewing.
  4. Well that's good to know. Unfortunately though with dad's job there is absolutely no chance he'll be able to work again, he's a chief engineer on the great lakes freighters. I gave my mom the website you gave me and she's been checking it out.
  5. Reading that made my head hurt
  6. I wish this cough would just freaking quit.
  7. His legal defense team is also being paid for by the citizens of this country. He's getting better representation than a citizen who gets a legal aid attorney.
  8. I've been thinking about it, but my parents don't want to hear about it. They figure since they have decent insurance that we are better off than most people in this area. I will do it without their blessing in a few months if the situation gets worse. Sadly dad is actually kinda looking forward to getting his medical marijuana card.
  9. I've had a headache for the past two days. I'm sick of sneezing and coughing. Fucking hell.
  10. Contemplating everything that's been happening.
  11. The ativan mom gave me seems to be doing it's thing. I haven't freaked out on anyone yet and I haven't gone into a corner and cried.
  12. So it's a "Glioblastoma multiforme" and its a grade 4. Which I guess it's pretty bad. There is a chance it could regrow between 6-18 months. Dad has to start aggressive chemo and radiation within the next week. I really don't know what we are going to do. I have to figure something out job wise so I can help pay the bills so we don't lose the house. Because frankly we have way too much shit to move. And my family has been living on this property since 1874, this is our home. Edit to add: Just wanted to put the right name of the tumor/cancer it is.
  13. I can't lose it, I can't lose it, I can't lose it...think if I tell myself that enough it will help?
  14. I'd be happier if I could stop coughing.
  15. According to my boyfriend who lives in Lansing, there really isn't much. Sorry.
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