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Everything posted by TitsMcGee

  1. I so wish I could make this, just for the entertainment value lol.
  2. Most likely to not be seen for months at a time: me! lol
  3. That would be so much fun, I love laser tag
  4. I has the sick again. And I'm walking around my house wearing a surgical mask so I don't get my dad sick.
  5. There isn't much you can do about all the gaps in between jobs, which is why I think it's crap. i feel like such a slacker because I haven't worked more.
  6. I'd love to be a part of it, but I don't see myself being able to get down there anytime soon with everything that's been going on. *hugs* Have fun and good luck though.
  7. I am such a loser. My resume is crap, I wouldn't hire me if given the choice.
  8. I remember my grandmother telling about when she came to this country from Germany in the 1950s. As she put it she was "checked from ear hole to asshole" for diseases or infections. And she was already married to my grandfather, who was in the army at the time. It bothers me slightly that people coming here for extended periods of time aren't checked for diseases, especially if they are from places that have a high risk of them. I also agree with the use of hand sanitizers and antibiotics causing more problems then good. Only time I will get antibiotics if it is something that won't go away after at least 2 weeks.
  9. I've dated men with kids before, and since I'm very kid friendly I had no issues with it. I knew there were times we couldn't be alone because of the kid but that was alright with me generally. I think I've always been the mommy type though.
  10. I really need to find a job soon...bills have to be paid.
  11. I think tonight I'm going to have a good long cry. I'm home now because mom made us come home. And to top it off I hurt my back when we got home from moving heavy things.
  12. Yep this was a pretty damn shitty year. It can only get better next year.
  13. He's out of the ICU The doctors and nurses are in awe of how well he's doing only 2 days after surgery. My mom even feels good enough about his progress that she is just leaving him alone tonight, so we are all going to get a decent night sleep. He also loved the Christmas present from me and my brother, "The Zombie Survial Guide". It made him laugh which is good.
  14. They are letting him have solid food today, which is a good sign. There is some damage though, he's still leaving hard to his left, and it doesn't seem like his left hard has as much strength as the right. We will know more once they let him get up and walk a bit. I'm heading to the hosptial around dinner time, grabbing food while I'm there since I haven't ate yet today. Mom is getting some sleep right now. I'm going to be pulling the night shift tonight again I think. I'm really thankful for the owner of the Comfort Inn Suites here in Saginaw. He gave free rooms on Christmas Eve and Christmas day to familes of patients at St. Mary's so that where we have been staying last night and today.
  15. I really need a stiff drink right now
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