I feel as though my tough exterier is about to faulter. I'm still really scared right now, even though dad is mostly okay now, he still won't be able to work again. I have to find a job to help pay the bills so we don't loose the house. Mom tells me not to worry about this, but I live there too I'm going to worry.
I've been dealing with unisex bathrooms at the hospital, and I've found that it doesn't bother me much unless the guys don't remember to put the seat back down. Seriously it's really annoying.
Repost from FaceBook:
Dad is doing really good today, they are letting him have liquids. They got all of the tumor out of his head. He's in the ICU still, but there wasn't the damage we thought there would be. So things are looking up. We still need the prayers though for a speedy recovery. Thank you to a...ll my dear friends who have been helping me deal with this.
We are in a hotel for the night in Saginaw because it's free for families of patients of St. Marys. Just trying to take it easy and rest a bit.
I'm scared. Have to be at the hospital for 7am tomorrow, which means me and my brother have to leave the house by 4:30. Dad goes into surgery around 11:30 but will have to be put under around 7 for the mri. I truly hate this.
Just heard from my mom. They can't get the MRI done tonight because he keeps fidgeting uncontrolably and they can't give him anymore muscle relaxers. My brother and I will be heading down to Saginaw in the morning. As of right now I'm drinking myself into oblivion so I can at least sleep.
So to make a long story short, we found out today that my dad has a brain tumor. He's at Saginaw St. Mary's hospital right now and it looks like he's going to have surgery tonight or tomorrow basically withing the next 24 hours. Please pray or your equivalent for him.
Needless to say I probably won't be around much, but I will try to keep ya'll posted.
My heart is breaking right now. Just heard from mom, my dad has a brain tumor and since he's been having massive headaches for 3 weeks, it seems to be a fast growing one. He has to have surgery either tonight or tomorrow so they can remove and biopsy it. Needless to say I'm scared, and cursing Murphy's law because it seems things have a tendency to go wrong for this family on or around the Christmas holidays.
From what I've been reading, the coroner has said it was natural causes. But that could change when the tox screen comes back. Also her family said she had flu like symptoms in the days before her death
From what I've heard is that the blue chicks are basically topless expect for specially placed braids or something.
Frankly I don't see myself going to see this flick, because of the fact of the typical blame the white man shit. Seriously it's over done, and time for Hollyweird to come up with some new ideas. I've also heard people call this flick "Dances with Smurfs"