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Everything posted by TitsMcGee

  1. Exactly! I know if I am in around a few people I don't know I always ask if they care if I have a smoke. If they would rather I don't smoke around them, I go outside to smoke or something. Nonsmokers if you don't like it, speak up. It's not rocket science. Smokers aren't going to know you are "deathly allergic" to smoke if you don't speak up, especially if you are in a bar/club situation.
  2. Happy but also sad to be home. I miss him already..it's going to be hard to sleep tonight me thinks.
  3. I really don't want to go home, but I must
  4. Hehe Charlie took me there the other day, that place rocks. I'm happy The Red Wings game was an awesome experience even though we were in the nose bleed section it was still cool as fuck. Today is just lounging around the house and maybe finding a Coney Island since I have a serious craving for some reason, and making stuff for Miss Megs
  5. LOL This was totally great Great job!!!
  6. Happy, we're about to go have Chinese for dinner and he's taking me to check out an awesome pet store
  7. Also concerned for said friend Also excited since today is Charlie's birthday and we get to spend the whole day together, if I can ever get him out of bed lol.
  8. Just checking my stuff on the interwebz before I pack up the car and start heading down to Lansing.
  9. I feel you pain, I've failed it twice now.
  10. I apparently opened a can of worms by posting the smoking ban article..whoops.
  11. Charlie telling me that I'm the best birthday present he could ask for.
  12. I wish I could go, but I will be driving home that day. *HUGS* To all the birthday kids!!!
  13. Apparently his parents don't like me as much as I thought they did.
  14. Disappointed. Won't be spending Christmas with Charlie like I was hoping. His parents want me out of the house by the 19th and probably won't allow him to drive up to do Christmas with my family on the 26th. I don't even know if they will let me stay down there for NYE.
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