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Everything posted by TitsMcGee

  1. Around my neck of the woods, the majority of the people who who work in bars are smokers themselves. I started smoking because it helped me not eat when I was bulimic. And just to put out there, I'm the youngest of 4 children, who were raised by two smokers. I'm the only one who picked up the habit. And none of my siblings have any issues from second hand smoke. So I agree that things need to be proven before legislation is enacted.
  2. I find it interesting how only the casinos in Detroit are exempt from the bad. Apparently the casinos up north don't matter much. I also think that it should be left up the to owner of the establishments if they want to go smoke free or not.
  3. *HUGS* I am freezing my ass off right now. Stupid snow.
  4. Having to clean off the cars and shovel mass amounts of snow. I'm an ice cube right now.
  5. Apparently I was lucky on where I grew up, because all the school food was homemade. So it was pretty healthy but tasted good.
  6. Not feeling good, my stomach hurts. School was also closed again today, which means tomorrow will be my last day.
  7. Annoyed that school was closed again today...I just want to be done!
  8. Shitty, highly emotional. I apparently forgot to take my meds last night which always causes me to be cranky the next day. I just want to cuddle with Charlie right now and cry.
  9. Well school was closed today because of the weather..I really needed the sleep but I really wanted to finish today so I don't have to deal with anymore of Pat's bullshit.
  10. My bad foot is really hurting today, and I'm not sure what I did. I at least know the screw isn't coming undone..well at least it shouldn't be.
  11. Only 3.5 more hours...if the weather permits I will be done tomorrow.
  12. Ohh so that's what the tie was for. I am waiting for the Pineapple cake I just baked to cool so I can frost it with homemade cream cheese frosting
  13. Trying to get warm, I've been frozen all day.
  14. Still stressing out, but I have everything I need for boards now, except for the acrylic kit which is still being shipped. Now I just need to relax and breath.
  15. Too much to do, and not enough time or money.
  16. happy that everyone who wanted a card seemed to like them
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