Well I haven't given an update in a while. Things were going really great until just recently. We found out today though that the tumor is growing back yet again, so we are waiting to see if Gamma Knife can be done again.
You should be able to file a complaint, which you can do online so at least you don't have to go down there. Unfortunatly you can't do it anonymously. Here is the link you need to go to the file the it:https://help.cbp.gov/app/answers/detail/a_id/175/kw/complaint
I really don't think that anyone will take anything out on you, because the regular agents wouldn't have access to your name, just the upper management.
I'm a cats not kids kind of gal, and the cool auntie. Maybe someday I will have one, when I'm more stable in life and can take care of a child but that's not right now. Don't get me wrong, I love children, I just know that I can't take care of one right now, fuck I can't even take care of myself.