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Everything posted by TitsMcGee

  1. *sighs* I wish my sister respected me
  2. This actually made me vomit. I can't even put into words what I think should happen to those little bastards and their parents. I have zero faith in humanity these days. And even if these kids get life in prison, the Supreme Court is hearing a case right now about two teens that committed horrible crimes like this who got life, and now say that it's cruel and unusual punishment because they were so young when they committed the crime. Sadly, they are both Florida cases..here is the links http://www.cnn.com/2009/CRIME/04/20/florida.appeal/ and http://www.miamiherald.com/460/story/1323698.html /thread jack
  3. I feel like fucking crying. I'm so sick and tired of my sister taking advantage of me, and my mom not saying or doing a damn thing about it. I'm out of school for two fucking weeks for sis and she thinks it's just dandy to dump more shit on me that are her responsibilities, not mine. And unless she wants me to do something she doesn't even bother talking to me..I spend all my time when the kids are in bed or at school alone because she's just too busy to even sit for 5 minutes to talk to me.
  4. Thats my sister for you. Tomorrow I get two children she's supposed to babysit dumped on me so she can go to her weekly bible study group. Apparently missing one would mean the end of the world. And I guess she thinks "Who cares, my baby sister will do anything I ask her to." One of these days I'm going to tell her no..and leave her in a bind.
  5. It's interesting how when my sister asked me to miss two weeks of school so I could help her out while Mark is gone first started out as that I would have the middle of the week off, she just needed me Friday-Mondays. Now it seems I can't go see Charlie because she needs me all week for things she had already scheduled before I even agreed to come down. This fucking bites.
  6. really run down..sleepy time me thinks.
  7. stupid house alarm that makes the doors go beep beep when they are opened..i want my hot pockets and they are in the garage freezer. Stupid beep beep.
  8. Lonesome..being sick has made me stay in the house for days..the only people I've seen are my sister and the kids who all have been keeping their distance.
  9. I'd like to know when the hell babysitters started making so much money. When I was a teenager, which remind you was not all that long ago, I was pay $25 bucks a night and a med. pizza.
  10. Oh I so wish I was well enough to have gone...but I think infecting all of city club with H1N1 would have been a very bad idea. I will have to make it next year dammit!
  11. I'm feeling a bit better today too, which is good. I'm hoping the worst has passed.
  12. God help us all, the House passed the health care bill.
  13. Ugh I feel like shit. I wouldn't wish H1N1 on my worst enemy at this rate.
  14. Oh if and when he wakes up he'll be tried by the military..they have the death penalty too
  15. I went to the doctor today...they gave me meds to fix my sickness.
  16. *hugs* Can someone just kill my now and put me out of my misery? Please? Not only is my head throbbing, throat hurting and glands swollen, the rest of my body had decided to follow suit. I hurt all over. I think I see a doctor in my future...
  17. The two other people in custody have been let go, the Major was a lone gunman as they say.
  18. yay! As for me, I feel like death warmed over..off to bed.
  19. 12 dead, 31 injured..the shooter was an Army shrink and a Major to boot. He is in custody, along with two others. From what I've read seems he was up for deployment and was afraid to go..not like he would have really seen much action in the field.
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