Freaking irritated with Craig's list. I'm trying to sell my cousins snowmobile on there and some ass hat keeps flagging the freaking post meaning I have to re-list it. Tis getting old fast.
Charlie and I will be there! I am not missing this for the world. So if you haven't seen me for a while and would like to see me, this would be the time to do it
Well so much for getting a room at the Leland on Saturday night. I am not paying over $100 for a room there, a room at the fucking Holiday Inn isn't even that damn expensive. And the woman I talked to sound bloody drunk.
If I was in the area more I would so be down for this..but as I never know when I'm going to be downstate for longer than a day or two I don't think I can. That is unless you're willing to travel north lol.
Not sure whats causing them. The doctors said inner ear virus..and I know it's not dehydration since I always have water with me. So at this rate who knows.
I'm with GRG on this one..and then there is also the ever present tie-dye hehe. Seriously though I look at you both as Rev and OMG and that's labels.
I feel I won't be getting that sandwich anytime soon..thanks for the head up on the spicy.
Also feeling sorta better as I just got out of a long hot bubble bath.