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Everything posted by TitsMcGee

  1. Like shit. My self destructive ways seems to want to rear their ugly heads.
  2. Well I could have told you that. I seriously need to get out of this rut, or talk to my doc about new meds because I feel really really depressed and that is not good.
  3. In a pretty shitty mood..which lately hasn't been unusual.
  4. That is just too cute..I love how he was still able to rock the skull tie at a school dance lol. Your daughter is very adorable also
  5. So let me get this right...the scientist who are I'm assuming quite intelligent, are blaming people from the future because they broke the stupid thing. That I think it the most amusing thing I've heard all day.
  6. I'm alright, was a very boring uneventful day. I didn't even have one client, which is nothing new, it's a miracle when I actually do have clients. Stupid beauty school owner not advertising. I'm also considering getting my nose pierced, or maybe my lip...
  7. I usually have some tea and that knocks me out.
  8. Tired, sore and happy it's the weekend. I have hats to make and apples to can.
  9. Hm is this where I mention some guy was arrested today for going across the Mackinaw Bridge at 100mph lol
  10. I'm probably going to get shit for this but oh well. As someone who has had to clean up after a suicide, I find it horrible that someone would put it in a haunted house. I mean if it was just the "dead" body with the gun next to it that wouldn't bother me much, but the video showed the guy was actually "shooting" himself in from of people and that's what I have an issue with. But since they are labeled as an "extreme" haunted house it's enter at your own risk because it will be worse than other ones. I do believe there should be an age requirement on the establishment though, and parents also need to do their homework on a place before they take their kids to it. I also think the fake "slashed wrists" latex things at Halloween are distasteful too, but again just my opinion.
  11. He apparently also missed the memo stating that our own president is a mixed race person. IMO other than his politics he turned out just fine..sorta. This dude just needs to have his job taken away, I'm frankly surprised that in the 34 years of his career this is the first time he's been sued.
  12. I will be at C on Halloween with bells on :) I hope to see you there.

  13. I'm so sorry I couldn't make it out..but reading this thread just made my night. lol
  14. Worried..also feeling stupid for worrying. I seriously don't know how he puts up with me and my insecurities.
  15. Tired..time for bed. At least I've got all my homework done for this week.
  16. You and me both. It freakin' snowed here last night..it's not supposed to do that for a few weeks yet.
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