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Everything posted by TitsMcGee

  1. I would just like to point out that Mahatma Gandhi was nominated 5 times before his death and still never received and Noble Peace Prize. And yes Obama could have declined it has happened before but only once.
  2. Unfortunatly won't be making it out tonight, Charlie is sick. So sorry I can't make it everyone.
  3. From what I've read about these guys, they get to be the size of a small dog. And they live for like 20 years and are litter trainable.
  4. There is a 60% chance I will pop in for a few hours, so I can see ~TszuraGaunt~ and the rest of my dear friends
  5. Statue of limitations only comes into play if the person hasn't been charged and convicted yet. Polanski had already agreed to the plea deal but skipped out on sentencing.
  6. God this dizzy thing needs to go away soon
  7. Not so hot, I have an inner ear virus which is throwing off my balance and causing massive dizzy spells. It was so bad yesterday at school my mom had to come pick me up and take me to the doctor..which means my car is still at the school.
  8. Yay congrats! Is it just me or is DGN turning into the goth version of the Love Boat?
  9. I think Jinxxy's costume is freaking adorable..I also think that Eevee should get the candy girl costume, it suits her.
  10. I've wondered the same thing myself, but it was the 70's and people were a lot more trusting than we are now.
  11. Calling Charlie then going to bed..
  12. I am seriously considering actually spending the money to see this in the theater instead of waiting for it to come out on video.
  13. Anything signed by Woody Allen shouldn't mean squat seeing as he's married to his adopted daughter.
  14. I am frankly glad Rio got it, since South America has never had an Olympics before. I'm just pissed off that Obama felt the need to WASTE thousands of dollars of tax payers money for a freaking Hail Mary pass. Then to make it look like he was actually doing something for the good of the country while he was over there, he talked with General McCrystal for 30 minutes while the Air Force One was on the tarmac idling..wasting more money by the second by keeping the plane running while they were talking. Also the majority it people living in Chicago didn't want the Olympics to come there in the first place.
  15. So Chicago lost their bid for the 2016 Olympics, and the first thing Illinois Senator Burris does is blame it on George Bush. Seriously, how in the hell is Rio de Janeiro getting the 2016 Olympics Bush's fault? I'm just pissed that President Obama wasted tax payers dollars to go over to Denmark in the first place to stump for the Olympics, seeing as I don't really thing it was his place to do so. He should have just left that to Chicago's mayor. Especially since he's been going all over the world apologizing for anything and everything America does, so it's no surprise we didn't get the Olympics as the IOC must think we're a very shitty country. But that's just my $.02 worth, what's yours?
  16. *sighs* Tired and lonely, and I really don't want to sleep because I've been having some trippy ass nightmares the past few nights
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