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Everything posted by TitsMcGee

  1. Brave Heart is such a depressing movie.
  2. The pictures are amazing, everyone looks so pretty! I so wish I could have been there, but I'm going to try and work it on going to CC on the 10th to see the happy couple .
  3. I frankly think he needs to serve his time but the Swiss authorities could have arrested him a bit sooner and not made it so high profile. He had been in Switzerland numerous times during the summer, but the pick the day he's in country to receive a lifetime achievement award to arrest him. The did it at a time that would cause the most embarrassment possible, which is why all the crazy Hollywood folks are up in arms. Hell, Whoopi Goldberg said that it wasn't "rape rape" even though the girl was only 13 years old. People in Tinsel Town need their heads checked.
  4. I wish I understood what was going on..I just don't get why he wants me to stay up here for right now...
  5. I ended up getting the St. Paulies girl costume lol
  6. The fact it's Friday, and that I only have 88 hours left of school.
  7. I need to get the fuck out of this town, this house..this entire area.
  8. Super tired for some reason, sick of the cold weather, but stoked none the less. I have 95 hours left of school, which means if I am there every day I will be done October 20th. YAY!
  9. From my sister's wedding. It's for the guest book. I'm still waiting on my other sister the photographer to finish editing the actual wedding pictures..she got a few nice shots of me.
  10. I think they are adorable...now if we could only get some goth kids in the White House.
  11. Box of condoms Printer ink Apple Pie
  12. I heard on the news today that she gave birth to a baby boy, and the biological parents will be taking him home in a day or two.
  13. If I remember correctly I was at CC with LordOfSins and Slogo and I think it was SaGa that told me about DGN. Or maybe it was Rambo...I can't remember.
  14. Having his arms around me. It's going to be a long wait till our next time together.
  15. Charlie, my kitty cat, my parents, knowing that I'm almost done with school. Mostly Charlie though lol.
  16. You realize we're the only country in the world where you are considered "poor" if you are overweight. Maybe the poor wouldn't be so unhealthy if they actually had access to fresh fruits and veggies instead of fast food all the time. Maybe the government should be putting grocery stores in the poverty stricken areas...
  17. Tired as hell..it's been a long 3 weeks. I also kinda want a grilled chicken sandwich but know I won't be getting that any time soon.
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