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Everything posted by TitsMcGee

  1. Where I live up in the arctic circle no one accepts Medicaid for dental, so I have to shell out 100 bucks every 6 months to see the dentist.
  2. +1 Frankly as long as the parents can take care of said children both emotionally and financially till they are grown, more power to them. Where's the people up in arms about teenagers popping out babies left and right and then run to the welfare office? As for the article, I'm glad the people are doing the right thing. And the clinic seriously needs to fix their records system or something so this never happens again.
  3. I would just like to point out that for the people mentioning dental stuff, I don't believe that would be covered under the national health care bill. It's not even covered under government health care as it is, I should know I'm on Medicaid. And as for government run health care, they don't do that great of a job as it is. Charlie has applied for Medicaid on a few different occasions, been denied each time and he's a diabetic. If a diabetic doesn't qualify for government insurance, what about anyone else with a chronic disease?
  4. If it was for a family member I would, but only for family. And then it would have to depend on the family member.
  5. I'm happy to be home. Now if my boo was here that would be even better.
  6. I'm feeling alone..which isn't a nice feeling. After being able to fall asleep in his arms everynight for two weeks and then him not being there last night, to say the least it was hell. I hate being so far away from him..and unfortunatly there really isn't much I can to with it till I finish school, take my state boards, and find a job. It hurts to be away from him so much...
  7. Sore and tired but very happy. Disappointed that we won't be making it out to CC tonight, it's been a long ass week.
  8. Change of plans, we are not going to be there tonight unfortunately. I can barely move from all the dancing last night at sis's wedding. I will so be there on Halloween though.
  9. There is a chance that Charlie and I will make it out. Depends on how we feel after my sisters wedding on Friday night..we might be really hung over lol.
  10. Hey All! Finally back in the state, sitting at my sisters house..so for the next few days I still won't be on much, but barring anything major issues should be able to make it to CC on Saturday with Charlie. Missed you all! and I hope to see you on Saturday night! Oh and I'll post pictures as soon as I can.
  11. Slightly drunk lol great wedding though.
  12. Tired and awake all at the some time. There is so much to do today before the wedding, starting with Guilia's hair. I need lots of coffee me thinks.
  13. I will take lots of pictures, and will miss you all! And hopefully when I get back I will go to City on the 19th
  14. Yeah I'm just happy being in Lansing spending time with him and his family. I really love these people already. We leave tomorrow for Maine, which should be an entertaining drive lol. Hopefully soon I'll be able to get to the club or something so I can see everyone though, I'm shooting for the day after my sisters wedding after Charlie and I go and see Jinxy.
  15. Hey guys, I just wanted to tell you all that for about the next two weeks that I will be MIA, and won't be checking my email very often. I'm going to Maine with Charlie and his family, and won't have internet access where we will be at. I will talk to you all when I get back! Marie
  16. I am absolutely wonderful, slightly sore from the whole tree cake thing yesterday, but I shall survive. Charlie is still sleeping as I type this, and I just feel so very blessed to have him in my life. Although I'm quite annoyed that we might not be going to Maine now as planned, because his sister is still being a bitch.
  17. This is because your nails grow faster in the summer because you're getting more vitamin D in your diet from the sun. lol nice
  18. I really think I need to give Rachel my baseball bat to take care of business. I'm also freaking tired and will be happy when the week is over because then my vacation starts.
  19. Frankly I would be talking to a lawyer about re-evaluating getting joint custody. *hugs*
  20. As of right now, my Fire Fox..I have no idea what is causing it but it hasn't been working properly for the past few days.
  21. St. Paulies Girl http://www.buycostumes.com/Gretchen-Plus-Adult-Costume/38992/ProductDetail.aspx
  22. I miss my brother. You can't even imagine how excited I am that he got leave from Iraq to come home for sis's wedding.
  23. I feel like I'm going to be sick...my stomach is doing somersaults.
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