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Everything posted by TitsMcGee

  1. ice and an ace bandage probably just sprained
  2. Annoyed with Charlie's sister and her life partner. They are trying to un-invite us to their wedding because they got pissed off with something charlie posted on facebook, thinking it was about them and it wasn't. I hate stupid people.
  3. I wonder how bad it will look if I boycott my sisters wedding because I'm sick of her being a bridezilla bitch
  4. "A Beautiful Mind" is a good one too. It's about mathematician John Nash, who is a schizophrenic that learns to adapt without his medication..who then went on to with Nobel Prize.
  5. He fell off the wagon so to speak after the plane crash last year, when the docs gave him pain pills for all the pain he was in. I find it sad that someone given a second chance at life an throw it away for a short term high.
  6. I don't know about hate, but this disturbed my greatly.
  7. Oh! I forgot to mention, we found out my brother got his leave papers for my sister's wedding, so he will be there straight from Iraq. That makes me very happy and excited.
  8. Irritated sitting here waiting for my Zune to finish charging so I can go get on the lawn mower and spend the next 6 hours mowing the lawn, so my mom doesn't have to. I've been very worried about her, she's having major back pains and the doctor can't figure out why so she got put in physical therapy...she goes 3 days a week and comes home in massive pain.
  9. Still giggling about Megs wanting to name the corpses. Also very tired, and hoping I actually get a client tomorrow.
  10. Do you think that everyone hates you because you're from the north and a wiccan/pagan? Because it might be because of your attitude. That whole "the world hates me because of...." is a tired excuse.
  11. Why the hell are Halloween costumes so damn expensive. I'm poor dammit but I wanna look hot n sexy.
  12. I was really hoping it wasn't going to be homicide...because now we will be hearing about this mess for at least the next year if not longer.
  13. Running into my grams at the grocery store. I haven't seen her in about a week since I've been so busy. I was even a good granddaughter and loaded her groceries in her car for her.
  14. Like it's time to go grocery shopping...blah.
  15. We've talked about this before dear, and I do know how you feel. Charlie and I see each other once a month if we are lucky, and even when I finish school and take my state boards I don't think I'll be able to look for work in Lansing since I won't be able to afford a place on my own. It's hard, and my heart aches and mostly I just keep it bottled up, but there are nights where I cry myself to sleep...which is mostly every night. *hugs* I'm here for you hun.
  16. I feel like a fat slob. I was asked yesterday at school when I was due..as in having "the baby". It was fun holding back tears as I explained that I'm not with child, and then they had the nerve to not even tip me.
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