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Everything posted by TitsMcGee

  1. If she is considered fat, I don't even want to know what people think I am.
  2. If they got this far north, God save them. Standish is about 2 hours south of me...that's a lot of rednecks to get past before getting to me. Edit: I spell good lol
  3. But who really thought that saying grace before a meal was breaking the court order.
  4. Breathing right is overrated. Although this issue is helping me quit smoking, which was the initial purpose of the medication that started this whole fiasco...so I guess in the end it is still a win.
  5. the old guy across the street from me thinking mowing his lawn at 8am is a good idea. I didn't sleep last night as it was and he had to go make more noise.
  6. I really wish my breathing issues would stop. I woke up like every hour last night gasping my air, so I didn't sleep for shit and didn't go to class.
  7. Horny...I need Charlie and/or a woman to tie me down and...well you get the picture.
  8. If she was using traditional IVF treatments it would be a wild chance seeing as they only implant 3-4 eggs. But this woman was most likely using ovulation induction treatment, which means a lot more eggs were in play. That's not a wild chance, that is being totally irresponsible. And if you would have read between the lines you would have realized that by clown car I meant by 12 babies being in her uterus at the same time. And if thinking that women bringing that many kids into the world is retarded, then yes I most defiantly am mean.
  9. Hmm can one of the mods fix the splling in the title since I'm apparently stupid today and can't spell.
  10. the beating the dead horse one can defiantly be used lol
  11. Crabby...still counting the days till I can see Charlie.
  12. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
  13. Hmm good Alan Jackson reference. I wish someone would call Charlie about a job..so I can start looking for a job down in Lansing after I take my state boards.
  14. Still having issues with taking deep breaths...going to cut the new med out tomorrow to see if that's what is causing the issues.
  15. I wish I could breath properly. Tomorrow I stop taking the wellbutrin and quit smoking the old fashion way.
  16. And it's not working out so well for them. I just read an article about a Muslim woman in France suing a public swimming pool for banning her over her burqini swimwear.
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