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Everything posted by TitsMcGee

  1. The only thing I can think of is a graduation mass at a local church. They have one every year at the Catholic church in my town, as most of the kids are Catholic. They are never considered mandatory as there are people who follow different denominations, or are atheist. They have them in most small communities. Edit to add: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baccalaureate_service this is what I'm talking about.
  2. +1 The bar was closed today...and all I got was this lousy t-shirt.
  3. I wish I was closer..I'd come just for the amusement factor. I would also bring cookies so you wouldn't kick me out lol.
  4. You know this might be a small town thing, but when I graduated high school there was a preacher there giving a prayer at the beginning of the ceremony. There is one every year, from all different denominations. I don't think anyone has ever complained, not even the Jehovah Witnesses. I think the ACLU has kinda screwed the pooch on this one.
  5. I'm so bored it's not even funny anymore. And I really wish I could see all the smileys..the thing is still all wonky
  6. Sounds like a good flick, I will have to check it out.

  7. Freaking bored...no one on to talk to on a Saturday night. And sadly the local bar is closed tonight for some reason so I can't even go there to drown my sorrows.
  8. +1, although the movie Idiocracy popped into my head while reading this rant. http://www.metacafe.com/watch/2682654/idiocracy_opening_sequence/
  9. Even though I'm one of those "crazy right-wingers" this is a funny ass thread. And I have no problems with the Gitmo detainees being brought to Standish..if they escape us rednecks will just shoot them.
  10. I wonder why Dana's water smells like garlic.... I seriously need to get a life.
  11. I feel like shit...I have no idea why but it feels like I'm having issues getting deep breaths.
  12. Meh it's Friday at least, so that makes me happy.
  13. Take my meds, call my love, and then hit the hay. No matter how shitty I feel in the morning I have to go to school.
  14. Wasn't he supposed to be banned from the NFL for life after he was convicted? I swear I remember hearing something like that.
  15. I have a bad feeling and I don't know why.
  16. Who the fuck keeps shooting up the neighborhood. Christ all mighty this is the second night in a row I've been hearing an ass load of gun shots. This is slightly unusual since it is not hunting season.
  17. Shit all the union members up here in Podunk were saying the same things I was. Remember I'm from an area where we love our religion and guns. +50 million
  18. Throat still hurts like hell, but I had some soup and I can talk a little bit better.
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