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Everything posted by TitsMcGee

  1. Sorry no one sent me to my local town hall meeting, I went because I wanted to get some things answered. I'm so sick of the left saying that someone HAS to be sending these angry people to the meetings. Have you thought that maybe people are just really angry with what their elected reps are doing, and they would like to voice that concern to those reps. I've wrote, called, and emailed my reps and all I get is form letters and staff members. Is it to much to ask to actually speak to the person that was elected, who is supposed to be the voice of their constituents when they vote for something.
  2. I'm reading it right now, and yes he did finally quote the actual bill. Before he was quoting the website he uses, there is a difference. As for the dental part, since Medicaid doesn't even cover dental, I highly doubt this will.
  3. No problem. Also, I'm already on page 20, it's not that difficult to understand.
  4. http://docs.house.gov/edlabor/AAHCA-BillText-071409.pdf Link to the health care bill
  5. But by not reading the actual bill, you really have no room to give opinions on this matter since you don't actually know what the bill says.
  6. So that means instead of actually reading the bill you will just trust some website. Wow you sound a lot like the people we have in Washington DC.
  7. Too bad our representatives can't understand that simple concept...don't vote for something until you actually read it.
  8. I have a horrid sore throat and it hurts to talk, which means I couldn't go to school today. Now my mother is pissed off I didn't go, not realizing that half my "job" is talking to the client.
  9. Canning them would be better, because they will stay longer that if you freeze them.
  10. My ex has been texting me lately annoying the hell out of me. Blocked his number from being able to text/call me and if he still manages to call me I'm giving him one warning then calling the cops for stalking. And telling his wife...again.
  11. Feeling good, tired but good. I have almost $100 saved up from my tips for my trip to Maine next month.
  12. Looking at pretty white dresses in anticipation of a question being asked.
  13. He can look at me and make me feel better with one smile. I have a few insecurities and he is just so good at reassuring me that he's not going anywhere. I get butterflies whenever I kiss him.
  14. I wonder if the tropical storm has hit Hawaii yet...more specifically the island of Oahu.
  15. Doing my first set of acrylic nails on a client, and getting a 5 dollar tip.
  16. I wanna know who did what to piss off GRG, even if it makes me look really nosy.
  17. You know I'm thinking the same thing...I miss all the entertaining shit when I'm being responsible and actually go to school.
  18. I didn't sleep much, but feel surprisingly well.
  19. It's utter bullshit IMO. If I want to destroy my body that is my choice.
  20. Fucking irritated. My ex has decided to contact me...after not hearing from him in over a year. When I asked him why, he was like "I was bored." If he was so fucking bored he could talk to his wife and leave me alone.
  21. Also check out farmers markets...although I'm not sure if ya'll have them down there. Prices are generally reasonable.
  22. There comes a time in a persons life, when they need to realize that maybe they are too old to drive. I think this woman has reached that point.
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