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Everything posted by TitsMcGee

  1. Happy to be home, lonely, and slightly amused with a few things.
  2. http://www.angelfoodministries.com/ For $30 bucks you get a weeks worth of food...and they take food stamps.
  3. Kinda worried, Charlie is going shark fishing.
  4. Watching the rain, waiting for people to show up and waiting for my sister to make me stuff more wedding invitation envelopes.
  5. Slightly sad as the rain today is putting a damper on my sister's BBQ. We have to move the party inside, which is alright I guess, the house is big enough.
  6. Lonesome, and kinda worried that I haven't heard from Charlie all night. I'm sure he's just having a good time and just doesn't feel like talking.
  7. I'm amused as hell right now. I am also slightly worried about that stupid hurricane still, but at least it won't hit them till next week sometime.
  8. Tired and worried about Charlie...there is a hurricane heading straight for Hawaii. I'm not happy with mother nature right now.
  9. Like I wish I was walking around Waikiki with Charlie, instead of stuck here lonely in BFE.
  10. Part of me finds this sweet. But the other half thinks people shouldn't be playing God. I can totally understand someone who is terminally ill ending their lives, but someone who isn't dying shouldn't be allowed to end their life, just because they would have to live without their S.O., as already said, the man would have probably passed on his own in the next year or so anyway.
  11. People will never cease to amaze me...and not in a good way.
  12. Oh it's not that you were "mean" it's just that I frankly don't give a shit. I have way to many other things going on in my life right now to debate with some person I've never really met or talking to that much. And all I wanted to do was point out there are people on the left that are complete assholes like Bill O'Reily.
  13. Have you considered that the rest of us just don't feel like fighting you about such a trivial issue. You seem to take yourself way too seriously, and frankly after the first time you bit my head off I just refused to want to deal with you on this topic anymore.
  14. I think it's going to be a long week...Friday can't come soon enough.
  15. I wish people in this Podunk little town would realize that I'm not the same girl I was when I was a teenager. Edit to add: I wish Charlie would call me soon and tell me he got to Hawaii alright, so I know the fucking plane didn't crash or anything.
  16. Tired, sad, frustrated, and like I wish I was getting on a plane tomorrow with Charlie to go to Hawaii. Thought he was leaving this morning but I was apparently wrong, he told me his flight the other night when I was half asleep already so it's no surprise.
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