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Everything posted by TitsMcGee

  1. I'm worried about Charles...he's in a lot of pain right now.
  2. Thinking about writing a few letters to certain state representatives bitching about how people who abuse the system can get government help, but someone who has a medical condition that requires daily medication or they could DIE can't even fucking get medicaid. It's just not right at all and I'm almost near tears because he's dealing with so much pain right now and I can't do anything to help him.
  3. Is it the same size as the one in the Ebay ad? If not, what size is it? Edit to add: Never mind I'm stupid today and didn't see the size in the headline thingy.
  4. I ended up ordering the original one I posted from a local bridal shop. With everything going on this summer I didn't have any time to go dress hunting like I wanted to. I still need to find shoes though.
  5. I'm awake..that's about all I can determine right now.
  6. ~Box of condoms ~Cabbage Patch doll ~iCarly on DVD
  7. Box of condoms Acetone Hot sauce
  8. Not sure how I feel...mostly just stressed as usual. Trying to save every tip I get so I have enough money to go out to Maine for Charlies sister's wedding.
  9. ^ What Marc said, also check out day spa type places (under spa in the phone book), they usually have legit massage therapists.
  10. Please tell me you're not paying that much for a Halloween costume. Seriously, check Jo-Ann Fabric because they probably have a fabric that is similar.
  11. My head feels like mush, I didn't get much for sleep last night because I kept waking up from nightmares.
  12. I also failed horribly..apparently no moving to the UK for me lol.
  13. I found it rather hypocritical that hours before the premiere they cut the scenes with Latoya Jackson. Seriously this was a man that has made millions from mocking anything, but they cut the scenes with a Jackson and left the ones where he's mocking Ron Paul..
  14. Hi and welcome And believe me, you don't know boring until you have lived in Northern Michigan. And I think the mortuary science thing is pretty cool.
  15. Finishing school on time. I have to be done the first week of September, because of all the other shit I have to deal with that month. I know I can do it, but I'm still worrying ya know.
  16. I have a warm and fuzzy feeling. My sister just told me how proud of me she is, because I'll be done with beauty school in about a month or so.
  17. Dude are you alright? It sounds like you were actually hit by a bus.
  18. I think it's time to start cooking for the church potluck today...since it starts in like an hour. At least dinner isn't until 5pm.
  19. I'm trying to convince Charlie to do a couples costume thing...like Marylin Monroe and JFK or something like that.
  20. Kinda sad after looking at the pictures from the BBQ. It sucks being up here and missing out on everything. I go to school and I come home..day in and day out, that's all I do. I need to invest in a life somewhere.
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