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Everything posted by TitsMcGee

  1. Blah...I'm bored. No one is online to talk to.
  2. My head is killing me and I have cramps...sucks to be me today apparently. Also hoping HW feels better.
  3. I'm feeling like a million bucks, after seeing the chiropractor today to get an adjustment. Giving pedicure after pedicure is a bitch on my back, especially since the stools we have at school fucking suck balls.
  4. From the articles I've read, they are praising the tanker driver, and the driver of the Meijers truck for taking such quick action. Without it there would have been deaths I'm sure.
  5. Dude I read about that, it's horrible. If I'm right, that's where I got off to get to Ferndale all the time. Scary.
  6. I was feeling like hell, but then I took a long hot bubble bath, and I now feel ten times better. I just need to keep telling myself that I only have a month or so left of school, and then I will be away from the petty drama for a while. Seriously someone almost got a nail file to the eyes today because they were irritating me that much.
  7. That's a good idea, he should also put some triple antibiotic ointment on it for tonight too.
  8. Missing your animals is not silly, it's love. I'm sleepy but I'm catching up with the beautiful Meg for a bit
  9. Any idea what type of bug? Because last summer my Charlie was bit by a brown recluse spider and ended up in ICU. So he might want to have it looked at if it's really nasty looking and hurts a lot.
  10. *hugs* keep up the good work fearless leader

  11. I'm talking about the women who pop out kid after kid (all from different men) that they can't take care of, who live off welfare and refuse to find a job. I think China's one baby law is crap, but with how over populated that country is, is necessary.
  12. That show is live so there are bound to be screw ups, and he I believe is on the early show that starts at 5am. And yes he's also a bit of an idiot. Fox and Friends is generally fluff news anyway in my opinion, they don't want to bum people out before they've had their coffee.
  13. I'm worried about not having enough money to make it to Lansing at the end of the month to see Charles before he goes to Hawaii with his brother. If I can't make it down, I won't be able to see him till the beginning of September.
  14. That was freaking great, totally made me laugh. Thank you Eternal I so needed that giggle.
  15. When You Walked Into My Life by Lila McCann
  16. You guys don't understand how utterly disappointed I am that I missed this. I'm going to have to make a definite effort to make next years.
  17. I'm good...reflecting on life. I blame that on just watching The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Awesome movie, I say everyone should see it.
  18. Oh I agree the cones should have been in place before they removed the cover, but saying you're going to sue because you were too busy texting to pay attention to where you are walking is crap. Would her parents be suing if she walked in front of a bus because she wasn't paying attention to where she was walking? Maybe, but probably not, and it would be chalked up as an accident. To me it still comes down to personal responsibility, on both sides.
  19. Like I should eat something to stop this headache that I have.
  20. The thing is, they had just opened the thing up and turned to grab the cones out of the truck that was 5 feet away. They didn't notice her coming and she wasn't paying attention to where she was walking. It was a big screw up on both sides of the issue.
  21. Well my belief is that people really need to take a test and get a license before they should be allowed to breed. Also women who get abortion after abortion because they are too dumb to use the pill or condoms. And finally women who spit out like 8 kids with 8 different men, who live off the welfare system and don't even care about getting work. As for men...if you have like 8 kids from 8 different woman and you refuse to support them, you are so done helping over populate the world.
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